Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Festivus... ha-ha

Today's blog entry will be brief... suffice it to say that there's a festival almost every week, and it's actually referred to as "Festival Season" right now! I saw this in the window at Perlis, and if you don't know what that is... youz "DEFnitlee" NOT from here. Sadly, I missed the "Sippin in Seersucker" soiree, (say that fast 3 times) but there's a big White Linen street party in August if I'm still here, and the Oyster Festival is June 2nd! Woo hoo ;-)

And I thought I'd throw in another house photo... perhaps one a day since there are soooo many gorgeous ones with so many different types of architecture! This one's at First and Camp, uptown.

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